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Ocean Waves

Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples

All of our Georgia Licensed Professional Counselors and Licensed Clinical Social Workers have advanced training in Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples, including speciality training in the issues like affair recovery, the impact of addiction and trauma on relationships, and sexual intimacy concerns in marriage.  Don't see the issue you're facing in your relationship? Call us - chances are we have a clinician who has experience and training in that area or know of someone who does.  


Additionally, we offer premarital counseling, Hold Me Tight® Workshops, and Divorce Discernment Counseling to support couples across the spectrum of relational needs.

Poor Communication

"We can't talk about anything without WWIII breaking out" and "we never talk about anything" are common sentiments couples express when they come in our office.  If you've been peeling potatoes for dinner and suddenly find yourself in the midst of a verbal war, we can help! 


We find that the majority of communication issues are created by how each person learned to make meaning out of behavior/words in life. These unwritten "codes" may not be accurate for your relationship-- but no one teaches us how to figure that out and get on the same page!  Our team of online therapists know how to catch those moments, slow them down, and help you both make sense of the code!

Infidelity and Betrayal

Injuries to the safety and security of the relationship like emotional intimacy with someone outside the relationship, physical affairs, financial betrayals, and uncovered secrets can feel like a atomic bomb exploded in the middle of your life.  And you still have to keep living, working, and parenting.


All of our therapists know how to come alongside both the injured partner and the participating partner to begin calming the storm and make sense of this chaos.  Once the storm begins to settle, your therapist will then help you make sense of all the debris, how we got here, and how to rebuild your life in a way that feels both safe and secure.

Trauma and Crisis 

Few things impact couples more powerfully than trauma and crisis situations. When something outside of our control is rocking our world (or has in the past), our nervous system is running the show.  We need help getting grounded, staying grounded, and making it through the storm.  We help couples do just that! 


Helping couples learn to feel safe and be together through these storms is a sacred experience that we are entrusted with often.  We find that allowing couples to access marriage counseling virtually from their safe space is a powerful way to help! 

Addiction & Eating Disorders

Recovery from substance abuse disorders and disordered eating is a journey that often requires us to heal relationships and learn how to be in a deeply connected relationship without substances or compulsive behaviors.  Over the years, we have partnered with couples from all over Georgia to tackle these complex issues together.

Rigid, Unresolved Conflict

"He shuts down and shuts me out as soon as I talk about ANY emotion" and "She just nags, nags, nags! I can't get anything right in her eyes" are common stuck places for couples. In fact, research shows that as many as 80% of all couples are matched this way: one person feels better if they can talk about it and the other person would rather avoid the discomfort of that talk at all costs.  If that sounds familiar, you are definitely not alone! 


We help couples from Fayetteville to Savannah to Blue Ridge to Macon figure out what causes them to get caught up in these patterns AND learn how get themselves out.  Once couples are unstuck, they often find a deeper, more meaningful bond than they've ever experienced! 

Parenting & Blended Families

Our children are physical forms of our love walking around outside our body, making their own choices, and engaging in this big world.  What could be more precious or vulnerable?  Trying to coparent these small (and not so small) humans! They definitely do not come with handbooks and there are often no clear "right" answers.  Sounds like a recipe for conflict if I've ever heard one! 


At the heart of all parenting conflict lies the question of "what's best for this child'.  We'll help you get clear on these questions and learn how to talk about them in a way that invites your partner into solving the problem together.

Sex and Intimacy Challenges

When the Honeymoon Phase is over, schedules are packed, and stress is through the roof, it's no wonder issues start to show up in the bedroom.  Is one person completely disinterested in sex? Or do you have completely different views of what "enough" sex would look like? 


Even if these questions make you squirm in discomfort or there are physical challenges -- you can find a way to bring mutual passion and fulfillment into your bedroom.

Acquired Illness & Disability

Eighty percent of people will become disabled at some point in their lifetime.  80 percent!  What few of us are talking about is what happens to our relationships when one of us finds ourselves facing a newly acquired disability or illness.  Whether you are discharging from Shepherd Center in Atlanta or facing a cancer diagnosis in South Georgia, we can meet you virtually to help you navigate these new normals and constant changes in your relationship.  

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